Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A sad thing. A sign of the times.

The hotel is closing. The news made me want to cry. If his voice on the phone was any giveaway, Bill Laube is pretty distraught as well -- he has been at the hotel for 25 years. As of Janurary 1st, in her quest to sell the business and building in the declining market, the current landlord is closing it's doors. Permanently.
I know a lot of us don't go to the Pleasanton Hotel. There are many more "hip" places in Pleasanton to have a drink. I just ask you, at some point before 2008 bids adieu, to pop in, have a drink, and give a kind word to Bill and the staff. This really is a sad thing.
(for more info on the history of the Pleasanton hotel and current staff, go here.)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
10:32 AM Co: how are you this week?me: good, busy, but functioning and I'd say 85% pleasant. :)
Although there was a crying baby in Ross a couple days ago that almost made me lose my shit. Thank god our emotions don't show themselves like boners.
Co: seriously, emotions are more like incontinence...concealable for a limited amount of time
me: YES
Co: sometimes i feel like i need black pants for my feelings
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
i have been running around, running amuck
I worry about clutter, since I clutter so easily.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Girl Crush
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have my opinions. I know today is important. But what surprised me was the amount of intensity I felt when filling out my ballot this morning. I was overwhelmed. I wanted my little black line connecting the arrow ends to be capital letters, to be a howler, to yell at the scanner machine and somehow make my little mark louder and more impacting. Even now, I can feel it in my chest, the passion for some things to happen and the fear that others will. And I become thankful. And hopeful.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Vampires are alive
You would think that someone just really wanted to make a video with choreographed dancing vampires in the streets of some gothic city. No. The song came first. And was a hit. Ergo video. It's a whole chicken- egg thing I can't really wrap my brain around....
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Amy and I are notorious around Halloween at our company. Our first Halloween in the office, with no idea what to expect from our coworkers, we frightened everyone to the core with our creepy impersonation of the Shining twins, bloodied and monotone. With a bar raised that high, each year has been a challenge. I keep suggesting the idea of being the creepy girl from the ring (duplicated of course) and we could run around giving people video tapes and calling them on the intercom and even have a ladder and chair in our office... but Amy won't do it. Chicken.
2005; the Shining twins
Friday, October 24, 2008
Flashback Friday: love at first sight.

This picture was taken approximately three days later, as part of a photo assignment I had for class where I made everyone dress up gothy and we took pictures in black silky dresses. Friends then, friends now, and this first time hangout picture makes me very happy.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Canon in D on a harmonica

Until now.
I love this dress.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i love fall(ing)

Friday, October 10, 2008
this morning felt like winter

Unfortunately, my number 61 kept me from getting a seat in an auditorium that seated 60. Yes, the fact that I held the door for two individuals as I entered the building did cross my mind, but oh well. The rest of my group had even higher numbers, so the organizers set up a speaker so that we could listen to the readings in the lobby (where the food was!). At first, I was slightly disappointed by this development, but then I experienced unexpected joy; all of us, sitting there on couches drinking soda and beer and wine, were essentially listening to a live radio broadcast of someone reading a steampunk influenced story. Can you get more immersed in the genre than that? Add the old timely clothing present, and I was anticipating a horse hitch when we exited onto Market Street.
freaks and geeks,
wild west
Friday, October 3, 2008
30% chance of rain
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other."

And bored. I can confirm there is such a thing as too much television. I'm on hiatus. I don't know--time lying there doing nothing can't help but be reflective and I was forced to face the things I have let become dusty: the scientific manuscript I wanted to publish, my violin, even a half knit hat. A fever breaking and rejuvenation is euphoric.
One of my decisions? I need to go on a trip. And this may be a result of watching too many Jane Austen movies last week, or from my contemplation of laudanum, but I'd like to go to a cottage somewhere misty and chilly, requiring multiple layers and scarves, in a small town with two pubs and lots of trails for walking. I'm thinking Ireland, maybe the UK, maybe soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
You may not notice, but I'll take yo' pitcha.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Not to put a too fine a point on it

Free Shakespeare in the Park, originally uploaded by leslaz.
Free Shakespeare in the Park was lovely Sunday afternoon. They performed Pericles, with a western twang, and I must say it was the best performance I have seen by SFshakes. Loves were lost in shipwrecks, assassins were assassinated, children were fostered, attempted killed, abducted by pirates, expelled from brothels due to their insistent virtue, and everyone found each other in the end by the most realistic means. Couple that with wine and cheese and watermelon and Presidio sun...gluttonous relaxation.
Friday, September 12, 2008
This morning, I sat at a stop sign, waiting for it to change.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Flashback Friday: Christmas with 8th graders

What we have here is a Polaroid taken in the corner of the junior high gym during 8th grade. I'm going to go with the idea that it's a Christmas dance, given Monica's awesome red pants and Christmas tree sweatshirt. Also supporting this theory is that I KNOW what I am wearing here and I remember loving this outfit thoroughly: a green crushed velvet dress with an off-white lace bodysuit underneath. Did you catch that? BODYSUIT. Hellsyeah.
Eighth grade was such a pivotal, awkward year. I remember feeling a tad odd about this photo because I was only good friends with about half of the participants, and a couple of them I hardly knew. This was the year when people started doing crazy things; cutting (not school), drinking, dabbling in the drogas. I remember sitting in gym class and listening to a girl talk about losing her virginity, astounded and shocked. Shocked not because I thought it was wrong, but because having sex was pretty much the LAST thing on my mind. I was trying to cope with things like not really needing a bra but kinda wanting one because of the locker room situation. It was like getting shell-shocked out of playing with Nerfuls.
Change is change. The year after we left Harvest Park to enter the realms of high school, they built a new gym; an amazing structural phenomena with two basketball courts and shiny light fixtures. Class of 97 always seemed to be a year off on the new stuff. Alas, I bet they even had professional photographers the year after for school dances instead of 8th graders taking other 8th graders Polaroid pictures for $1 as a fundraiser. Whatever. I probably would have thrown the professional one away. This, I cherish.
Eighth grade was such a pivotal, awkward year. I remember feeling a tad odd about this photo because I was only good friends with about half of the participants, and a couple of them I hardly knew. This was the year when people started doing crazy things; cutting (not school), drinking, dabbling in the drogas. I remember sitting in gym class and listening to a girl talk about losing her virginity, astounded and shocked. Shocked not because I thought it was wrong, but because having sex was pretty much the LAST thing on my mind. I was trying to cope with things like not really needing a bra but kinda wanting one because of the locker room situation. It was like getting shell-shocked out of playing with Nerfuls.
Change is change. The year after we left Harvest Park to enter the realms of high school, they built a new gym; an amazing structural phenomena with two basketball courts and shiny light fixtures. Class of 97 always seemed to be a year off on the new stuff. Alas, I bet they even had professional photographers the year after for school dances instead of 8th graders taking other 8th graders Polaroid pictures for $1 as a fundraiser. Whatever. I probably would have thrown the professional one away. This, I cherish.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
if the kitchen had a frying pan, he'd be in the fire.
Human 2 (male): Uh, no but thank you.
Human 1: Well okay. Maybe next time, cuz' I brought a big one you know. (laughs)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I stepped outside my office building early this morning, and it smelled like trout. By the bay, the scent of the day changes with the tide, the time of the year, whether or not the wastewater treatment facility nearby has drained into the bay...but this morning, it smelled like trout. Like during summer up in the mountains north of Truckee, when my grandfather would clean the fish they caught in the early hours on the makeshift sink we had at our campsite. He would lay the fish out, side by side, on newspaper, and deftly clean them. I would watch, elbows on the counter, eager to see if the fish were boys or girls....whether or not they had eggs inside. This morning, outside smelled exactly how that moment smelled; visceral, algal, and pescado.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
These are the pictures you always wanted someone to take.
Two Weeks ago:
A bunch of folks loaded into a rather large van and went to see Motley Crue. Dressed for the occasion, we drank $12 coronas and watches with quirked eyebrows while Tommy Lee ran around with his "titty cam." The show was entertaining (mostly), the music was pretty terrible (entirely), and most strong was the awareness that things that seem awesome and carefree to do when you are 25, look a tad sad when you are late 40s. And wearing your own bands teeshirt.

One Week ago:
Bill and I went up to the Sierras, to the cabin and Lake Alpine. We caught a Steely Dan concert at the Ironstone Winery in Murphys and watched middle-agers get reprimanded because their lawn chairs were too high. It was pretty rad.
This Last Weekend:
I flew to San Diego to spend time with my Crosby. Fun fun undiluted girl time, we dancy danced, laid on the beach, shopped till we actually almost dropped, and ate the most fantastic breakfast: strawberries and ricotta on cranberry-orange-walnut toast, topped with drizzled honey. Color me happy.

photo booths,
san diego,
sheer awesomeness
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Old cd in the car stereo on the way to work, and a Tori song comes on, one that I haven't heard in a long long time, but marvel that I remember every inflection, intonation, gutteral slide. If I were to make a video of this song, it would be a montage of images....driving at lunch in high school in a maroon volvo with tan interior, sunny and Crosby's hair trying to sneak out the sunroof...Mel singing purposefully off-key because she suspects she can't hit the notes anyway...picking out the piano portions on the upright in the fancy living room (all white) while I wait for someone, anyone, to pick me up at my house...
Songs are funny that way, all flashback and reminiscent-ish. Made me want to turn around my car, go home, and pick out the song all over again, not waiting.
But I have a report to write.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Soylent green is CROCS

My morning was made when Bill sent me this Newsweek fashion article. The focus? CROCS, and the author's flabbergasted abhorrence of them. I never caught the CROC train. I work in a land of biologist and gardeners where CROCS of many shades abound and I live in fear of actually seeing the fur-lined CROC in practice. Apparently, in their last gasp for air, the CROC manufacturers are branching into high heels.
There are barely words. Most of them are guttural.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Threw my Shoe

I have been the queen of leaving unwanted items on street corners (scarves, TVs, broken cameras, cookbooks, even a John Mellencamp casette tape which I found propped up against a tree, shrine-like, later that evening). I had every intention, upon finding this nestled bin, of disposing of its contents since I obviously hadn't opened it in years.
But I can't. I clunked everywhere in these ungraceful things. The red shoes, they are platformed and dyed my socks red if the shoes became wet; I invariably managed to find wet lawns in them. The green shoes were such a find, and made my feet look small and squat, gnome-like. The Docs? I traipsed around Ireland in those, giving myself shin-splints by dancing endlessly in them at a caleigh in Belfast.
I should get rid of them. I really should.

hmmmmmyeah, click, the plastic lid goes back on...
(maybe next time)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Me and the Kernel
went to work. road bikes. looked for plants. found one, on a levee amidst star thistle. oooh, here it is. it's rare:
heartscale (Atriplex cordulata).
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