Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Threw my Shoe

Forgotten bins reside high up in my closet (I live in a studio, things are wedged everywhere). I was looking for a place to store pillows, and came across a slender bin housing hidden shoes. Clunky, amazing Vans and Docs, take me back quick to high school and early college when these pairs of shoes were my mainstays. And so, I apparently have not gotten rid of them.

I have been the queen of leaving unwanted items on street corners (scarves, TVs, broken cameras, cookbooks, even a John Mellencamp casette tape which I found propped up against a tree, shrine-like, later that evening). I had every intention, upon finding this nestled bin, of disposing of its contents since I obviously hadn't opened it in years.

But I can't. I clunked everywhere in these ungraceful things. The red shoes, they are platformed and dyed my socks red if the shoes became wet; I invariably managed to find wet lawns in them. The green shoes were such a find, and made my feet look small and squat, gnome-like. The Docs? I traipsed around Ireland in those, giving myself shin-splints by dancing endlessly in them at a caleigh in Belfast. I should get rid of them. I really should.
hmmmmmyeah, click, the plastic lid goes back on...
(maybe next time)


Lori Huneke said...

i have many a box like that. i feel ya.

chn said...

i can't get rid of my docs either. remember when you got those airwalks or i got those airwalks? i still remember exactly what i was wearing, some light jeans and an awful striped sweater. kind of cropped and v-neck. and i was so la la look at me in 9th grade history. or was it 10th. hmm i think ninth was when i had black velvet vans. i wore them to shit and cut a piece of them to put on my bulletin board to keep them with me...ooohjeez.

chn said...

sorry i was not done with the memory. try http://favtape.com/top/1997