Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 New Things: Pleasanton Ridge

April?  Well, April was a month of blog silence.  Ah well. Perhaps in the next few weeks, I will do some April flashbacks of my favorite moments, because there were many.  
Last Sunday, Mish, Amy, and I hiked along the Pleasanton Ridge, one of my 2012 New Things.  Yeah, I know.  I grew up in the area, and had NEVER done this which is shocking and weird and I find it funny, especially given my line of work.  2012 is the year I hike the ridge -- and I will be going back.  It was so pretty!  It was so STEEP.  There were cows that would not get out of our way so we just walked around them and they lazily stared at us! Next time, I want to hike even farther, and maybe start in the morning instead of 2 pm when it's hot as all get out.  Yay ridge!
And thus recommences blogging.

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