Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out with the old (yoga mat)

I am trying to clean and re-stickify my Jade yoga mat, and during my internet search for tips, I stumbled across a lot of suggestions for repurposing your old, gross mat rather than just tossing it.  The Jade site has a good list, and here are a few of my favorites:
  1. Place under an area rug for no-slip gripping.
  2. Drop off your old mat at an animal rescue group. Most of these places need soft, durable mats, rugs, towels, & blankets to line crates.
  3. Line kitchen shelves to prevent glasses from slipping and scratching.
  4. Cut the mat into squares and use them as "bases" while playing baseball with the kids. Easy to carry and easy to clean!
  5. Use to kneel on in the garden to protect your knees!
  6. Use as kitchen drawer liners..
  7. Use as grip pads to open jars.
  8. Cut to size and use as foot pads for the bottom of furniture that is on a wood or ceramic floor. Glue on pieces with a non-toxic adhesive.
  9. Cut and put down in front of the kitty litter box to stop the litter.
  10. Makes a great liner under house plants, you can even cut it to fit each plant

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