Week three for me out at the Lake. While the field days are still tough as all get out, I can't ignore how beautiful the lake and surrounding areas are. The morning boat ride is best: glass-smooth lake, no wind, and few boaters.

We headed up the main river than flows into the Lake yesterday. Three months ago, this river was literally a trickle -- maybe fifteen feet wide at most. With the snow melt, the river is a beast, and we have to watch for the rocks that would form rapids at lower water levels (see Nate in the above photo, searching). Now, they'll just ruin our propeller.

The river is wild and scenic, meaning that the river is preserved in its free-flowing condition and no one can divert, realign, or put in a Starbucks. The view was incredible. I suggested we survey the rest of the river starting upstream, and canoe or inner-tube on down. Crew? Enthused. Not sure the client would be.

Speaking of the view, where I am standing in the above photo is where the previous photo was taken. My teammate, Tom, said he had to take my photo because "when you're like 80 you have to show your grandkids what you used to do." You may not be able to tell from afar, but I am covered in streaks of soot in this photo. We had to hike through burned out chemise chaparral to progress along the hillside. It was not fun. We both got dirty and grumpy although the view and a nice breeze helped a bit.
This week, I have two more days out here, and then four next week. So. Ten days down, six to go. Woot.
i'm jealous
dirty girl
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