Thursday, February 18, 2010

Covert Ops

This morning, immediately following a computer funeral march at the Apple Store, I came into my office to a pretty terrarium in a vase on my desk. I am fascinated with terrariums --- there were mosses, rocks, ferns, and even a wee bit of shell. Although it had a pretty purple ribbon, there was no card, no note. Hmmm.

I have been musing all day. Initially, I assumed it was my boss --- we had a super hectic week and I thought this was a thank you. Nope. Then I was trying to remember who I had discussed terrariums with... but to be honest, this seemed like an intimate gift and I was starting to get a tad weirded out at coworker possibilities.

Asking asking, getting quirked eyebrows ("Did you put a terrarium on my desk" IS a pretty strange question), I stared at the pretty vegetation and purple ribbon....and it suddenly occurred to me that this was something my lovely friend Anna would do. Indeed! It was she! And what is this? AMY was in on it? Amy sitting behind me all day, perplexed Amy!?!?!

Ha. and yay! Lucky am I to have two such lovely friends to go out of their way to do something nice for me. Even if they are sneaky. :)

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