Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So, basically, if you follow the rules of responsibility and adulthood and schedule regular maintenance on your teeth and car, you end up with the following: A sore jaw and a car in the shop because they royally screwed up a minor repair.

Nutshell? Pain and Inconvenience.



Lori Huneke said...

ya, i refuse to grow up.
then again, my cars going to die any day now (sometimes it starts , sometimes it doesnt) and i have no back-up plan. and..i went to the dentist for the first time in 8 years..and..now i have a bunch of cavities. so...i think youre doing the right thing.

chn said...

adultwhat? is my favorite newness phrase. i plan on uttering it at least three times a day. in general, i find my little pony fruit snacks to be an excellent solution.