Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Garbage Patch

SF Gate's lead story at 9:29 this morning talks about The Garbage Patch. What is it? Read:

"The so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a stewy body of plastic and marine debris that floats an estimated 1,000 miles west of San Francisco, is a shape-shifting mass far too large, delicate and remote to ever be cleaned up, according to a researcher who recently returned from the area."

Um. wow. Plastic sucked into a mid-ocean gyre caused by tradewinds, broken down into tiny little pieces of plastic so it's like a soup, not a piece of bread, mingled with fishing nets and tires and all adding up to a floating Texas times two. Go Gavin; get rid of those plastic bottles in government buildings. Reuse your plastic bags. Use cloth saks at the grocery store. Everything does NOT need to be bigger in Texas.

Read the whole article here.


Lori Huneke said...

dude. woah. i cant believe that. is gavin really rying to get rid of plastic bottles in gov buildings?

Josh said...

I'm so glad you posted this! I've been hearing rumblings about this plastic island in the pacific but could never find anything official about it. THANKS!