Monday, July 16, 2007

Best. Birthday. Ever.

28 came in with a bang. My last real bday party was when I was like 9 and Friday night was well worth the wait. Party at Tara's with some of my favorite people. I am a lucky lucky girl and thank you to all who celebrated into the wee hours with me.Saturn returns.
the sun not yet set. pomegranite juice and taradise.
enter sparkle vision! (fantastic contribution bri. freaking fantastic)
No party is really complete without a head measuring game, right? I mean, really.
And the winner is Moy Toy, with a whopping 24.5 inches. That's a HUGE HEAD (insert scottish accent)
Two of my favorite ladies. These girls are so incredible....they each made leslie tailored mixes. One played outside by the fire pit, and the other was dance ready in the coffee-table-less room. body roll woot!
Something wicked this way comes. Actually, I have no idea. Comments?


chn said...

desperately sad that i missed it. next year hopefully we can both celebrate san-fran-ified bdays. like with me living thurrr. yes yes. if the saturn returns i should AT LEAST have a lel about.

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

brian has a giant brain in there