Walnut Grove Elementary used to have a huge field where we played soccer and tag and flag football and where Girl Scout troop 493 planted a tree. I remember thinking that planting a tree was cool, that we were doing something good, and that one day, I would be able to come back and say, "Yes, we planted that huge tree. Let's sit in it's shade and have a picnic." And then the tree would give me all sorts of things, including fruit to sell, and wood to build a house with, and finally, an old stump to sit on. That was then. I'm pretty sure there is a building now where we are standing in our acid-washed jeans with pseudo mullets and 80's gear.
Note: I am short! I have always known I was/am short, but goodness! Studying this picture made it very obvious. Also, I am a mischievous imp, even at nine. Oooh, but look at Megan. Look at that sass in the 49-er jacket and poofed bangs. :)
bwahahah! I bet the building, where once stood your tree, would provide you shade, offer a place for you to set up a hotdog cart in front to hawk your goods, and allow you to sit on it's threshold.
Full circle my friend... The Giving Tree for the 21st Century.
looks to me like a precursor to your wra days...
i can't stop looking at it.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that 49er coat is in my closet.
and it has my name embroidered on it.
remember when alison sopko's mom yelled at us when we all went camping in newbrighton?
that's a solid troop. i know all the girls but the one on the far right. wish i hold a photo of my cub scouts troop to battle you with.
Megan- oh my goodness. how could I forget the look on Alison's mom's face? Man. She was sooooo angry. PS, I have a name-embroidered 49er jacket still as well, but the model was more circa 8th grade...you know, the bright red parkas with the hood that peeps would wear with black nikes? yeeeah.
Adam- far right? Anna Schuler. I'm not sure she stayed local all the way through high school. And yes, I wish you had a cub scout photo as well.
where i went to middle school only the really badass girls with the highest bangs wore parkas. the ones with boyfriends in high school who would get mad if you looked at them. but the whole thing was to get a boy to let you wear his. which never happened of course. sigh.
did megan ever take that jacket off in jr high? h
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