Me: Wow, now that was what I call awkward adolescence.
Mom: Honey, I think he thought you were cute.
Me: No way. I could like be his mom.
Me: .............Me: Holy crap! I could totally be his mom!!!!!
But let's be honest. I know it's kindof trendy to be overwhelmed by thirty, but I'm actually digging it. I like the way it rolls off the tongue. 30. Let's do the inevitable recap; it's not like I loathe my life and am disappointed in myself or anything, so at this measuring post in my life, I'm like, wow, this is a.o.k. When I was 15, I thought 30 was ancient. I thought I would be married with kiddos and have this crazy idyllic life with a house and dog. Hell, I thought that would happen by 25. But as I grew into myself and moved around in this eclectic world, I realized different timelines for me ...unknown timelines. All that stuff will happen in some way, shape, or form, someday. I'm not worried. And yes, I don't want to be an OLD mom. And it makes me nervous that my parents are aging and I want them to be able to enjoy my onedayfamily, but still, I really believe things will work out as they may. They have so far.
30. Thirrrrrrty. BooYA. say it with me now.
30. Thirrrrrrty. BooYA. say it with me now.
dig it!! In due time, it will all come to fruition.
you're awesome, love you! (even if you're 30 ; )
um, anonymous is stacie jean....i'm a little slow when it comes to this sort of thingymabob..
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