Friday, May 27, 2011

During the week: just another day

This time of year, I spend a lot of days doing this.  I walk around, look at and count plants, note erosion, pull tics off my pant legs, and occasionally see snakes.  In the photo above, I am standing on a berm on a constructed wetland (the wetland is to my left).  Obviously, we need to do some work here -- this berm is eroding away which means the wetland isn't holding water as long as it should and not supporting the water-loving plants we would like to grow there.  Mark, our landscape architect, made me be in the photo for scale.  I was like, dude, what if I was a giant?  This could actually be the Grand Canyon and I make it look tiny!

Also, Crosby tells me I look like a boy when I'm in the field.  I think I look prepared.  However, I am trying to remedy this situation and purchased a hot pink field shirt.  Photos soon.


chn said...

i have no recollection of this statement. perhaps i meant that you look positively jumpable? you know how i feel about the khaki. :)

Matt said...

LL wears snake gaiters in the field like a lady.