Friday, July 6, 2007

mud hens

We used to spend ridiculous amounts of time together in a wee zodiac called LUPE, cruising the waters of the bay and the delta. More than once, we hung out in mud. We dodged both bullets and the coast guard and navigated our way through pot fields. Now, we gather for food and wine, keeping going the camaraderie found in typha that curved overhead. wetland girls woot! (above photo: Karin, Laura, Lisa, Diana)

Karin and Matt's house in Oakland. Karin just finished her PhD. Smartayyyy. Diana. She just went to Argentina.
Theresa. Her dog, Taj, has two new hips and is doing quite well.Laura. New job as restoration program manager lady. kick ass. Also a fan of cutlets. (photo credit: Diana)Lisa likes fireworks. So do we.

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