Thursday, August 13, 2009

And there was this place, and I was there.

This week, I have been housesitting in an eclectic neighborhood in San Rafael. Respite from the city and fog has been unexpectedly nice --- I can't tell you how much better one sleeps to the sound of crickets and fountains than to the cacophony of buses and errant yelling men. Houses in this niched 'hood do not even remotely resemble track homes, and upon every one, there is some mark of creativity, individuality, or, in some cases, inadvertant artistic neglect. Went for a walk, took some photos....
The sign on that chair says 'I have flying monkeys and I'm not afraid to use them.' Also, yes, that is a giant martini glass sitting on the arm. Also also, a mini-chair sits on the ground next to the giant one. I wake up really early here, likely because there are no curtains on the windows and the sun lightly filters in. So close to the bay, the air is fresh and I walked through the backyard to the dock. This place is good for the soul.

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