Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009

Fruit Picking
Originally uploaded by leslaz
Last weekend, I watched my nieces while my sister went away for her birthday. I love those girls and the weekend was quite fun --- but I have to say that Saturday night, post baths-stories-bedtime, I flopped onto the couch with the dog at my feet, filthy in clothes covered in cherry juice, ketchup, pee, and dog hair and slobber. And numbly watched Enchanted. All you moms out there? New found respect coming your way. Peace.
Friday, June 12, 2009
A few posts back, I mentioned I went to a conference addressing how quarries and mine companies must restore the land after they have removed mineral. I came across this story in SF Gate this morning which is a perfect example of why this is so important. Extreme, but perfect: Superfund money to clean 'mouth of beast.'
Please draw your attention to the portion of the article where they mention how little help the current owner of the mine provides to clean-up efforts:
The elderly owner of the property, Ted Arman, who bought the 3,500-foot mountain from the last mining company for $100,000, has not been much help, proposing a resumption of mining in addition to construction of a 200-foot-tall marble statue of Jesus Christ.
oh good lord.
oh good lord.
Friday, June 5, 2009
I also re-remembered how to wind a bobbin.

- I went to IKEA and bought a new $20 duvet set. I love bedding and this set looks like faded snow leopard print. Joy. I then proceeded to get lost in Emeryville for over 20 minutes. I hate that place. It's a bad vortex of non-directionalism.
- A rattlesnake crossed the road in front of me as I was walking in the Central Valley on Wednesday. I'm not sure if that's bad luck black cat or what, but I was fascinated. And clearly delusional in my quest to follow said rattler for a good picture. I didn't get one.
- Just before I saw the rattler, my coworker and I saw a great blue heron fly up from the creek just in front of us with a fish hanging, dangling from it's mouth.
- I went to see Drag Me to Hell. I hollered at least once, covered my eyes most, and dry heaved twice. It was the best movie I have seen in a long time.
- I finally sold my old old old computer to a guy for $70 who is going to trade it in and get $450 off his new one. Win win.
- Bill and I went to MOMA and had a very culturally fun time. Check out Robert Frank's book The Americans if you get a chance.
- Samovar tea lounge rocks. We highly recommend the Turkey Sandwich.
- I spent a weekend at my folks' cabin in Arnold. Weather was gorgeous and we wandered around Big Trees National Park for a bit. Big Trees, fun time.
- I almost was sucked into So You Think You Can Dance. Fortunately, enough people embarrassed themselves horribly to make me cringe and change the channel, so I pretty much forgot to go back and finish it.
- I hemmed curtains.
- I covered a pillow.
- I made myself get out of bed and go to 630AM yoga.
- I climbed a 5.10a at the gym.
- um
- yeah
Out and about, around and upside down, but by far the best thing I have encountered in the past few days was a sign in front of a church in Escalon. Now, there are a TON of churches in Escalon (I counted like 6 within 3 blocks!), but this one wins with the following encouragement:
Aspire to Inspire before you Expire.
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