Flashback Friday taking it easy style. My sister and I, I'm guessing around 1983. This photo tells me a number of things:
1. We are at my grandpa's house. Note the awesome carpet.
2. My sister is wearing an amazing pink and white checkered bandanna that I remember coveting. Who knows, perhaps I'm trying to discreetly yank it off her neck.
3. My entire family had those quilted slippers in different colors throughout my entire childhood. The inside fuzzy lining always started so fluffy but became flat and disappointing rather quickly.
4. I want that chair in my apartment. Family, does anyone have that chair tucked away?5. I would say that my dad dressed me (overalls), except that I match really well and there are tight pigtails involved (thanks mom).
6. I really wish I could read my sister's sweatshirt. I am, however, enjoying the pinkness of her outfit.
and finally,
7. She might be scratching my head or about to pull a pigtail, but sisters love.
Happy Friday.