Sunday, May 25, 2008

Green, T, neon, Me.

A new signal system was installed on Thursday at the intersections around 9th and Irving. The lights moderate the movements of regular traffic, the plethora of pedestrians, and, most importantly, MUNI trains, all with separate lights ranging from circular, T-shaped, and little neon humans walking. Approaching the curb, I was confused at this new arrangement having been used to the dodge and dash method for years. Other peds joined me, perplexed, on the corner by Jamba Juice, staring at all the different light choices as a MUNI train shattered our eardrums with honking.

9th and Irving has required this update for awhile now. A few months ago, a seventy year old woman was hit at the corner and critically injured. Just before that, a man was killed by the N-judah a few blocks away. The intersection has always been a bit of a clusterfuck, for lack of a better word. The new lights definitely have a rhythm that isn't too difficult to dissect once you stop to pay attention: a neon white human means walk, the red T means MUNI is staying put, and if the light turns green, cars shall move. An improvement even if an adjustment.

Man next to me on the corner didn't agree. He looked to me, seeking comradry amidst the ringing and yelling and the bus that was in the way of the train. A conversation:

Man (harrumphing): What's-going-on!?! I don't understand this.
Me (rocking on heels): boop-de-dooooooo.
Man (wringing hands): I-want-to-cross! This is not helping! (looks to me)
Me (raising eyebrows): boooop-de-doo.
...a moment later...
Me (pointing): Hey look. Neon white man flashing. GO!


∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ said...

ah good news. that's rad you stuck to your positive vibes. it is easy to smile and nod like you agree with negative strangers just to skip on a remaining awkward minute or two. hopefully guy will slow down and think about his surroundings a bit more before whining. that's terrible someone lost their life. guessing it was around the corner where ucsf is? you're the best. bummed we didn't cross paths when i was out. adam

Lori Huneke said...

dude, thats a great word! "clisterfuck"