Unless you have been under a really freaking huge rock, you know today is election day. And you know you should vote. There are a ton of issues on the ballot (not just President!) that deserve our utmost attention...and people are coming out in droves. In the inner sunset, a little old Irish lady has the neighborhood polling station in her garage every election. There are old historical photos of San Francisco and Ireland on every wall surface that isn't covered in books. She gives us "I Voted" stickers, and usually there are cookies. Today, no cookies, but a line all the way to the corner that was just as satisfying.
I have my opinions. I know today is important. But what surprised me was the amount of intensity I felt when filling out my ballot this morning. I was overwhelmed. I wanted my little black line connecting the arrow ends to be capital letters, to be a howler, to yell at the scanner machine and somehow make my little mark louder and more impacting. Even now, I can feel it in my chest, the passion for some things to happen and the fear that others will. And I become thankful. And hopeful.